Changing or removing users

To add, edit or remove users, simply navigate to the account settings menu item in the right-hand menu ().

The account settings menu item in

From this page, you can navigate to the Users menu item by clicking the link on the left-hand menu.

Here you will see an overview of all users associated with your account. 

To delete a user, simply click the three dots () on the right side of the user row and select 'remove'.

To add a user, click the '+' icon, then enter the details of the user you wish to add to your account. 

To edit a user, simply click the three dots () on the right side of the user row and select 'edit'.

When selecting a user role, 'Tenant admin' means that the user will be able to add/remove users and see billing information. 'View only' means the user can log in to the account and view all predictions, but cannot create new predictions.

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