How does Ad Type impact my result?

To get the most out of the predictive metrics provided to you by, it's vital that you understand the way that Ad Type is used to generate your results.

Ad Type simply refers to the kind of YouTube (video) ad type you are trying to test. The reason we ask for this information is that each ad type on YouTube has a different format and therefore different goals. This information will then be used to adjust your prediction to encourage the creation of an ad that best fits with the goal(s) of that given ad type. You can learn more about the YouTube ad types in this Google Support Article.

Skippable in-stream ads can be skipped after the first 5 seconds, and therefore it is essential that your brand is visually salient in the first 5 seconds of your ad. Otherwise, the viewer may skip the ad without ever knowing who it was from. For this reason, when the 'skippable in-stream' ad type is selected, the prediction places an increased weight on the brand attention score in the first 5 seconds of the ad. This is to ensure that in order to achieve a good/excellent result for a non-skippable ad, the brand needs to be shown clearly in the first 5 seconds.

For bumper and non-skippable, there is no increased weighing at this stage.

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