How can I activate my Junbi account?

When an organisation subscribes to a Junbi account, we will set the account up for you. Once the account is set up, the organisation admin will be able to add new users to that account as they wish.

It's important to note that when a new account is created, it needs to be activated. This is essential for security purposes. To activate your account, simply click the activation link in the email you received on behalf of the account admin who invited you to Junbi. Please note, this link is only valid for 24 hours.

If you have not activated your account within 24 hours, you can validate your account by going to the password reset page and entering your email. This will send you a password reset email. All you need to do then is click the link in the password reset email, type and confirm your new password - and this will also activate your account. You can then log in with your newly created password.

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