Why are my Junbi.ai results different to other pre-test results?

In the world of advertising pre-testing, there are countless different methodologies, tools and approaches available. Ranging from surveys to fMRI, EEG and now - AI predictions. Each of these methods comes with its own pros and cons, and you must understand these pros and cons to maximise the value you get from the solution and most of all - create effective ads.

Without knowing the methodology of the alternative pre-test, it's hard for us to give one general answer as to why your Junbi score is different, but here are some of the common differences we encounter:

Survey-based methods: These methods are very subjective and can be subject to personal bias based on the participants' feelings towards the brand. We have repeatedly found in neuromarketing studies that when you ask people what they 'think' is the best option, that might not necessarily be predictive of their real-world behaviour.

Emotion-based methods: Measuring emotion with AI is a tricky business, and we don't believe it's quite been perfected yet. Alternative vendors may provide emotion-based pre-testing, but we encourage you to be rigorous in your evaluation of the science behind their solution as we have seen many attempts at this approach, but few tend to be strongly predictive of real-world ad performance.

Neuroscientific methods (EEG, fMRI, eye tracking): We are actually big fans of these methods, and would encourage you to pre-test your ad using neuroscientific methods if possible. They are the most accurate and if applied correctly can be a great predictor of ad success. However, these methods can be costly and time-consuming. They also don't allow for rapid iteration and repeat testing, which is why we created Junbi.ai.

Lastly, it's important to note that currently, Junbi's metrics are purely indicative of attention. If you are trying to measure emotional response or message comprehension, it is likely that you will receive a very different score from alternative pre-tests as this is not a metric that we are currently predicting.

Having said that, we understand that it's important to evolve our solution to meet the needs of our clients, so if you have questions or feedback about your Junbi.ai score, feel free to reach out to us at support@junbi.ai

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