Running your first pre-test

So you've created your video ad, and you want to see if it's going to be effective in getting noticed. 

You've come to the right place! With the help of, you'll have data-driven insights about the effectiveness of your ad in no time. All you need to do is the following:

Step 1: Upload your video

From the upload page, click 'upload video'. Here you will be able to select the video file you wish to test. Make sure that it is either .mov or .mp4 format, other file types will not work. Your video will upload in the background while you complete the next few steps.

Step 2: Fill in your ad details

Once you have uploaded your video, you can fill in the details. This includes the name of your pre-test, the brand name (note: this must be exactly the same brand name (text) seen in the video. Currently, we use text detection to recognise the brand, which is case sensitive). You can read more about how brand detection works in this article.

Step 3: Select the YouTube video player mode you wish to test for

Select the video player mode you wish to test for (mobile, full-screen, desktop normal etc,) then click next when you're done. Note: this is very important for your Ad breakthrough score, learn more in this article

Step 4: Select an ad type

Next, you must select the ad type you wish to test for. On YouTube, different ad types obviously are watched in different ways and need to be scored differently to predict effectiveness. To learn more about Youtube video ad types, you can take a look at this YouTube help article. Once you've selected your ad type, click next.

Step 5: Generate your prediction

Now your prediction will be generated. This takes a little while, as we need to create an attention heatmap of the video, and then run a number of separate analyses on the video to generate all your effectiveness scores.

Step 6: View your output

Your screen should refresh and you will see the output of your ad pre-test. You should see the following:

  • In the media player, you can see your ad with the attention heatmap overlay and brand attention bounding box. This indicates where the visual attention is going at any given time. 
  • In the top-right corner, you will receive an overall effectiveness score out of 100. This is an overall indicator of how effective your ad is predicted to be.
  • Beneath the media viewer you will see 3 boxes with coloured scores in a little circle. These are the 3 key drivers of ad effectiveness, and the scores indicate how well your ad performs in each given category relative to a benchmark of hundreds of YouTube ads.
  • If you expand the tab at the bottom, you will see the 3 effectiveness drivers visualised over time. By hovering your mouse over the line you should be able to see the exact value at any given time, so you can know what moments in your ad are working well and what needs improvement. If you wish to hide any of these lines you can click the small eye icon on the right.

If you want to save your results for offline use or to share externally, you can download the output by clicking the 'download' button on the right side.

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