Adding new users & setting user roles

To add a new user to your Junbi account, simply follow these steps:

1. Go to the account settings menu by clicking the '3 dots' icon in the top right corner

2. Click the menu option 'users'. Here you will see a table with the names, emails, roles and status of all users associated with your account

3. Click the plus (+) icon to add a new user

4. Enter the first name, last name, and email address of the user you wish to add

5. Select a user role (more info on the user roles can be found in the User roles article) from the list:

    • Tenant admin means they will have access to the 'account settings' menu and can add/remove new users and see invoices.
    • Users only have access to personal settings and the ability to create/view/edit predictions.
    • View only means that users with this role will be able to log in and see all predictions on the account, but not upload new predictions

Note: The user role can be changed at a later point simply by going to the 'Users' page and clicking the 'Edit user' option under the 'three dots' menu

6. Press 'Submit', then the user will receive an automatic email to set up their account.

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