User roles

To manage your account properly, users can be given different roles to match their exact needs. Currently, junbi offers the following user roles:

  • Tenant admin

    A tenant admin has access to the 'account settings' menu and can add/remove new users and see invoices, in addition to having full access to junbi's capabilities

  • User

    A user is the standard user role, given to those that need to have the ability to create/view/manage predictions, including creating folders and moving files into or away from them. In addition, users can access personal settings to change their password or email address.

  • View only

    The view only role is applied to users that need to be able to log in and see all predictions on the account, but not upload new predictions.

Note: The user role can be changed at a later point simply by going to the 'Users' page and clicking the 'Edit user' option under the 'three dots' menu

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