User roles

To manage your account properly, users can be given different roles to match their exact needs. Currently, junbi offers the following user roles:

  • Tenant admin

    A tenant admin has access to the 'account settings' menu and can add/remove new users and see invoices, in addition to having full access to junbi's capabilities. Tenant admins are also able to manage pre-sets for their users. Finally, they can also see and manage details in regard to billing and invoicing.

  • User

    A user is the standard user role, given to those that need to have the ability to create/view/manage predictions, including creating folders and moving files into or away from them. In addition, users can access personal settings to change their password or email address.

  • View only

    The view-only role is applied to users who need to be able to log in and see all predictions on the account, but not upload new predictions.

Note: The user role can be changed at a later point simply by going to the 'Users' page and clicking the 'Edit user' option under the 'three dots' menu

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