Do you offer a customer success program?

Short answer; yes we do!

Customer success is included as a standard with every junbi subscription. To ensure you get the most out of your junbi subscription, we have created a 4 step approach for onboarding and customer success - the 4 P’s pathway to success. Below you will find an overview of these steps.


As part of the first step we ensure we get an onboarding session set up involving those that will use junbi in any way or form; administrators managing the junbi application internally, users running ad tests themselves and users, internal or external, that only have view rights.


Once a date has been set in the calendars, we will need a few things from you to get things set up before the session. This includes the email addresses of the users as well as the desired brand names to test. We will send a separate email once we get to this phase to cover all necessary details.


The day of the onboarding session. During the session we will take the users through junbi and all its capabilities and functionality. We will also share a few things in terms of best practices, available resources and how users can get the most out of the platform. Finally, we will also ensure all users are set up correctly and have access and we’ll answer any questions users might have so the team can hit the ground running.


We don’t stop after onboarding. As part of Perform we will ensure we create a singular point of contact within our organisation for any questions or concerns that might arise. We ensure we grab regular moments of feedback as we aim to closely align user feedback and our actual platform development and roadmap. This way we make sure you users always get the most out of our platform. In addition, our customers will get first access to new resources, including whitepapers and case studies, the latter we will also work on together. Finally, we also offer a free of charge training on Neuromarketing, where we go deeper into the processes and inner workings of our brain.

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