Creating and managing pre-sets

Note: To create, manage, and delete presets you need to have an active junbi account with the admin role. All other users can only view existing presets.

With the introduction of pre-sets, it's easier for users to run an analysis on multiple ads using the same set of settings. By applying a pre-set, users instantly use a predefined set of settings and thus save themselves a few clicks. This is especially handy if you have multiple assets to test as part of your campaign.

Creating a new preset

Currently, only tenant administrators can set up presets. This can be done through the presets page, accessible through the hamburger menu:

  1. Head to the presets page
  2. Click the "Add new preset" button in the top right corner of the page
  3. Follow the steps:
    1. Give your new preset a name.

      Note: we recommend using a naming convention to make it easier for end users to understand how and when this preset should be used.

    2. Select the brand name you would like to search for as part of this preset.
    3. Select the desired viewer mode you would like to use for this preset.
    4. Select the desired ad type you would like to use for this preset.
  4. Hit save and your preset will be stored and available for your end users.

Any newly created preset will show on the presets page. There are no limits to how many presets you can create, but keep in mind that your users will need to understand when which preset should be used, so keep things easy to interpret!

Managing and deleting presets

Sometimes a change is needed to an existing preset, or a preset might no longer be used. Luckily, managing and deleting existing presets is easy and can be done from the presets page. Simply click the preset you would like to change, or hit the Bin icon to delete the preset.

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